Results Activity
Activity for displaying the results of a capture request.
Activates full screenshot only mode.
Downloads the full screenshot from the server via the captureViewModel
Finishes this activity.
Initiates captureViewModel.
Initializes the activity and sets up the views as well as the CaptureViewModel.
Callback for onFullScreenshotDownloaded to notify the user that the full screenshot could not be loaded.
Callback for the captureViewModel to notify the this activity that the full screenshot has been loaded.
Callback for onFullScreenshotDownloaded to set the full screenshot as the image view save it to the phone gallery if shareIntentIsActive.
Sends a log using sendLog and clears StudyLogger.hashMap
Saves both the cropped and full screenshot to the phone gallery.
Saves the current preview image to the phone gallery.
Save the screenshots to the app directory.
Sets all view listeners.
Opens the share intent to share the current preview image.
Toggles the pill navigation state and changes the current preview image.
The CaptureViewModel, used to access data of the current matching process
Whether the observers for captureViewModel have been registered or not. Necessary to prevent calling evens when registering the observers.
Whether the full screenshot has been downloaded or not (can be downloaded using downloadFullScreenshot)
Whether the user has shared/saved the image via mShareButton, mSaveOneButton or mSaveBothButton
Whether this activity is returning to the camera activity or not, set to true in goBackToCameraActivity
The save both button, calls saveBothImages when clicked
The save one button, calls saveCurrentPreviewImage when clicked
The text view displaying the text beneath mSaveOneButton
The share button, calls shareImage when clicked
The text view displaying the text beneath mShareButton
Whether this activity was started from BackgroundMatchingService or not