Gallery Preview Fragment
RotationFragment that displays a capture result image pair.
Displayed in GalleryFragment when the user clicks on a capture result image pair.
Set all listeners, ViewModels and shared references to null.
Deletes both mFullImageFile and mCroppedImageFile from the external app directory and closes this fragment.
Receives all image Files from a bundle, and saves them in mFullImageFile and mCroppedImageFile.
Initiates all views and calls updatePillNavigation to initiate the pill navigation.
Returns an inflated View for this fragment.
Called when the fragment is created, initializes all views, listeners and the galleryViewModel.
Remove this fragment to rotate it.
Removes this fragment and returns the displayed image pair.
Saves either mFullImageFile or mCroppedImageFile to the phone gallery, depending on the mPillNavigationState.
Sets the mScreenshotImageView to the mFullImageFile or mCroppedImageFile depending on the mPillNavigationState.
Sets all view listeners.
Opens the share intent to share the current preview image.
Toggles the mPillNavigationState between 0 and 1.
Updates views to match the mPillNavigationState.
The GalleryViewModel used to obtain old capture result image pairs
The delete both button, calls deleteBothImages when clicked
The save one button, calls saveCurrentPreviewImage when clicked
The text view displaying the text beneath mSaveOneButton
The share button, calls shareImage when clicked
The text view displaying the text beneath mShareButton